February Parent Support Meeting Hancock County

Registration is now open for the February parent meetings in Hancock or Shelby County!

The Greenfield meeting will host Dr. Jane Yip, who will speak to us about brainmapping and behavior.

Brainmapping in Health and Disease: Informed Tips on Handling your Child’s Meltdown and Talents

February 4, 2013

Greenfield Intermediate School
204 W Park Street, Greenfield
6:30 to 8:30 pm

Click here to register for the Greenfield meeting

Thoughts are figments of imagination and regarded as under the control of free will.  A closer look will, however, show us that it is not entirely the case.  Our thoughts are carried through the wiring system in our brain called the brain circuit.  The circuit can go awry the same way any organ of the body can malfunction.  As wiring can create autism, ADHD and dyslexia so can it create human achievements: talents in music, sports, business, arts and science etc.  This 50 minute presentation covers human brain circuits in childhood, adolescent, and adulthood and focuses on brain performance.  The take home message for each parent is to connect their child’s behavior due to circuit wiring in the brain typical for the developmental age and obtain a concise action plan.  Certain aberration from norm will be discussed as parents will be given tips on distinguishing behavior that comes from attention seeking and behavior that may be due to wiring issues that needed medical attention.  Parents will have opportunities to ask questions, discuss any concerns or triumphs regarding their child and go home, hopefully, with a clearer picture on factors at play on their child’s behavior.

We have a light supper at each meeting, so please register so we know how much to plan for the food.  Just click the registration link above to get started.  Child care reservations are also required so we can plan enough caregivers.

About Dr. Yip

Biographical Sketch

Jane Yip is a neuroscientist with 30 years of experience in basic science research and is published in peer review journals.  She obtained her PhD in University of Newcastle, Australia in neuropharmacology, i.e. the study of drugs that works on the brain.  She completed her postdoctoral work at Eli Lilly and company in Indianapolis and worked on brain circuits involved when a person is on Cymbaltar; now a widespread drug used for depression and pain.  After Lilly, she went to Boston University and worked with pioneers of the neuropathology of autism; identifying the brain circuit involved in the cerebellum in individuals with autism.  Her passion, however, is in children and their families struggling with mental disabilities.  She founded a company in 2009, Autism Parent Care LLC, where she uses brain mapping technology to trace circuits in the brain for children and adults interested in having a visual of the wiring behind psychological and behavioral issues.  In addition, she provides treatment to individuals diagnosed with autism.